Sqribble Review + Price + OTO's + Coupon + $14,000 Exclusive Money Making Bonuses (80% Discount for March)

Sqribble Review
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Sqribble allows you to create beautiful eBooks, reports & other content in minutes without having to write or type a word of it yourself.

In this Sqribble review, I’ll take an in-depth look at the features & benefits this eBook maker offers so you can decide if it is the right fit for you.

Before we get started, let me tell you that this Sqribble review is based on my personal experience using the product since I purchased it and use it myself – frequently.

Sqribble Review – The Overview

Creator Adeel Chowdhry (Super Affiliate)
Product Sqribble
Special Launch Date 13 March 24 – 31 March 24
Launch Time 11:00 EST
Official website >> CLICK HERE <<
Front-End Price $67 (One-Time) Launch Offer
Bonuses Yes, Exclusive Bonuses worth $14,000
Coupon Use “MARIO” Coupon & Get it for only $15.81
Guarantee YES, 30 Day Satisfaction Guarantee

Sqribble Review – What it is?

Perhaps the most crucial part of a Sqribble review is telling you what it is. It is software, but it is cloud-based, which means you do not have to download anything. You work online with the software only.

Sqribble is revolutionary in that it offers you an all-in-one solution to ebook creation.

Not only will it make it simple to put together a product that looks good and will sell nicely through its formatting and design features but also, this software can write the book for you, which is huge since hiring a writer can be costly.

You can use Sqribble on any type of computer. It is highly compatible because it in the cloud. So, you can use it anywhere and anytime you need to get on-demand service.

AP News explains that this software is quite powerful because it works in minutes.

You can go from nothing to an ebook that is a lead magnet in no time at all. It removes all the guesswork and frustration, leaving you with a simple way to produce a product that will have leads pouring in.

Sqribble Review: Key Features

One of the things I like about this software is that it’s incredibly easy to use. I’m not joking – you can literally create an entire ebook in five minutes. And I think that’s very important for platforms like these since the key component should be convenience.

The whole reason why you’re even considering an app like this in the first place is because you want to speed up the process while making as little visible mistakes as possible, right?

So it wouldn’t make any sense if it was complicated to use, right?

Luckily for you, the platform is easy enough to use for beginners.

Aside from that, let’s take a look at some of its best features:

Content on autopilot

One very unique tool you’ll find extremely helpful is the automatic content finder. Now, this not only does all your research for you but it also effectively writes your book for you.

The way this works is you enter a link, and then the software finds curated content to fill your book with the right information so you don’t have to – or at least, to lessen your load.

What did I say? Entire ebooks in a few minutes right? Other than that, you can also extract content from word documents or pick and choose content from the software’s library of niche articles.

Automated content table 

I don’t know about you, but I’ve always hated the table of contents when I created reports in middle and high school. It just felt like menial design work. Plus, having to go back and forth to check if I put in the right pages just annoys me.

Imagine my dread when I had to design my first ebook. Back then, I had to do it the hard way. This is why I’m telling you you’re lucky to have stumbled upon this Scribble software review because if you hate adding content tables or page numbers, the software takes care of it for you in an instant.

High quality, stunning headers and footers

Whether you want to add your professional information or signature to each page, or just want to make it look less boring, you can have the tool add professionally-designed trimmings to your page.

It not only kills any dead space, but it also helps add a level of sophistication to each leaf.

Beautiful cover choices

To go along with your professional, high-quality content, you’ll also get to choose from a plethora of gorgeous front covers. That will not only make your digital publication look 100% legitimate, but it will put you in a position of authority as well.

I like how the options are well-made and easy to customize with a single click. The design features are quite nice as well. So much so in fact, that it would easily fit in with professionally published ebooks in any category.

Flipbook creations

Have you ever tried reading on Kindle or iBooks? There is this option where you’re able to flip the pages instead of scrolling or moving from one page to the other like you would a PDF file.

If this isn’t your cup of tea, then you’re in luck. With Sqribble, you’ll be able to create a sort of animation that makes it look like your reader is flipping through the pages of an actual book without the inconvenience.

It’s also yet another point that contributes to your ebook looking more professionally made.

Dynamic drag and drop editor

As I mentioned before, the software is easy to use even for beginners. The ebook builder features elements that you can click and drag anywhere on the page to customize them.

Unlike other platforms out there, there isn’t much of a learning curve when it comes to Sqribble’s editor. So you should be able to get the hang of it within a few minutes if you’re new to design tools.

eBook template library

There are over 50 professionally designed, optimized templates for you to choose from. These cover a variety of niches and can be used for any topic. I like how – apart from being visually attractive, they’re also specifically formatted so that your content is easy to read.

This means your book will likely get read from cover to cover.

Style layouts

There are 300 formatting styles to choose from. This means that there’s something for every kind of preference and that you’re able to make changes to your book’s design according to your wishes.

Keep in mind that these are still professionally recommended layouts so you will still be guided in the right direction even if you choose to make adjustments.

Commercial licensing

All ebooks created on Sqribble are commercially licensed. This means that you don’t have to worry about infringing copyright laws or running into problems while marketing your product.

You simply create it and let it run free in the world without a care. The best thing? You get to keep 100% of your earnings.

Niche categories

There are 15 niches to choose from. If you don’t find one that works for you, you can always just customize or create your own design (which might take a bit longer).

These categories also come with their own content archives. I’ve already mentioned this before, so I won’t get into it too much. But basically, you can pull niche-specific content from these directories.

Unlimited pages

Let’s say you want to write a 1,000-page ebook. No problem! You can easily do that on the platform. It might take a little bit longer, but the point here is that you don’t have to worry about reaching a certain page count threshold.

There’s no limit, so let your imagination run wild.

Sell to clients

Maybe you don’t want to be an author. Maybe you’re a freelancer who specializes in ebook formatting. The software makes this easier for you – not only the creation process but also the selling to clients process.

Basically, it’s less complicated, and it just means you have one less thing to worry about.

Agency website

One other unique feature this ebook creator software has is its ability to create a website for you. This will not only help you promote your product, but it will also help you position yourself as a person of authority.

This will serve as your online portfolio and will help you and your content become more visible in the market.

eBooks and more

Sqribble is best known for its applications as a digital book creation tool. But other than that, you can also create reports and whitepapers on the platform. I like how versatile it is, without actually giving you too many options that you’d end up confused.

While I applaud the way that some apps come with hundreds of templates, it can sometimes be counterproductive. You might end up doing too much which won’t be good for your end product.

Easy sharing 

Let’s say you want to share your ebook to other people right from the dashboard after you create it. Not only is it possible, but it’s also a quick process. You’ll be able to select from a variety of sharing options including opening your work online directly.

You’ll also be able to download it on your computer so you can email it or upload it anywhere you want. 

How does it work?

Once your software is ready to go, you start by selecting a template. There are plenty of options, and you can view themes according to niche. That said, themes in other niches can also be used for other kinds of ebooks since you can customize nearly every element on the page.

I like how the templates are easy to follow and that they’re already structured so you don’t miss any important pages like the table of contents.

It’s really not that difficult to navigate the user interface so you shouldn’t get lost or confused about how things work when you first use it.

However, just so you have an idea of how things work, I’ll walk you through the steps you need to take to create your ebook.

Step one: choose a template

The first thing you’ll need to do is choose from various theme formats on the platform. As I mentioned before, you can choose from specific niches or you can go a different direction. It all depends on you and how you want the final publication to look.

In this stage, I suggest you go for something attractive, but also relevant to your content. I’m not saying you need to select something from your topic directory, but you should at least select a template that can accommodate how dense your content will be.

This will make things easier for you and give you a general direction to follow.

Step two: customize! 

Now comes the fun part! You can make changes to the title, and author name. You can also add your own content by extracting it from a docs file, taking content using a URL, or from the niche library on the software.

There are two ways you can choose to proceed. You can either manually add your own original content, or use the autocontent feature which essentially fills your ebook with expert content on your behalf.

This streamlines your entire creation process and allows you to sit back and focus on the marketing aspect instead of the creation.

Take note that although I do have faith in the autocontent tool, I still recommend that you run it through with a fine-toothed comb. After all, if you’re going to put anything out there with your name on it, you don’t want to take any chances.

Step three: hit publish

Now that you’ve finished your ebook’s design, you can move onto publishing it. Now that everything’s done, you don’t need to worry about the trivial things like possibly infringing on copyright claims or your final product not looking up to par with digital marketplaces.

Once it’s done, you’re ready to sell online. Now the only problem is looking for a marketplace, and advertising your book.

You also have the option to create an agency website.

So if you’re putting together an ebook for professional purposes, this will help you create an online portfolio and put you at a position of authority so that you’re taken more seriously by your would-be clients.

What else do I need to know?

I think it’s important for you to understand exactly what the software can bring to the table. That’s why in this section, we’re going to take an in-depth look at how you can use it to your advantage exactly outside of creating ebooks in a snap.

Scale your mailing list

It’s no secret that it’s easier to gain leads when you’re offering something in exchange. Discounts are one way to go, but your best bet would be to offer something valuable – like a short ebook.

Think about it. Would you rather subscribe to a mailing list just to get a discount on a website you barely know, or would you rather give up your email to get something valuable in return?

This will help you promote your newsletter without actually actively advertising it. Besides, it seems like a fair exchange.

Earn a 100% commission

If you were to go the traditional route with an agent or a publishing agency, you’ll either have to shell out thousands of dollars to begin with, or you’ll have to settle for meager change when your books sell.

And that is if you make any money selling your content. As sad as it sounds, that’s the reality for most authors.

Only a small percentage can truly say that they’ve sold enough units to pay off the cost. The great thing about Sqribble is that you only have to pay a one-time fee, and then you can earn as much as you want with your book.

Sqribble Review: Pros and Cons

While you’re here, let’s take a quick peek at everything I like and dislike about the software. Think of this as your own personal cheat sheet. Refer to it if the information is too much, and you just want to know why you should like or not like the application. 

  • It’s a cloud-based software. This means it won’t take up space on your computer and you don’t have to download anything except your ebook when it’s published.
  • There are no monthly fees. The reasonable one-time fee is all you need to settle to get unlimited use out of the program.
  • It’s easy to use and designed for convenience. Automatic content and formatting! Do I need to say more?
  • You can become reliant on it. Once you get hooked on how automated the process is, you might become complacent which means you might end up not caring much about the substance of your content.
  • There aren’t too many templates and themes to choose from. While I don’t mind this completely, I thought you might want more choices moving forward. 

Sqribble Review: Price, Upsell, OTOs

What I like most about the tool is that you don’t have to pay a monthly fee. You’re only charged a one-time $67 payment and then you get to use it forever. You will have access to its basic features as well.

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That said, there are quite a few upsells or OTOs to keep an eye out for. Don’t worry though, they’re not exactly essential. But you may benefit from them in the future. Not to mention, if you’re into affiliate marketing, you can get a 10% commission for each referral.

Without further discussion, let’s take a look at the upsells and what they can do for you.

OTO 1: Sqribble PRO 

For an additional one-time payment of $97, you’ll gain access to a larger design library. This includes access to around 99,000 niche articles, 150 PRO templates, an improved content engine, unlimited disk space, over 9,000 element collection, and streamlined features.

Think of it as a supercharged version of the regular Sqribble. If you’re not too happy with the frontend access, I suggest you look into the PRO version as it really unlocks a host of potential for you.

OTO 2: Sqribble Prime

Much like the previous upsell, this option requires an additional one-time fee of $47. If you found yourself happy with the collection you got from the PRO version, but want to really stand out from your competitors, then you’ll want to dive into this one.

It includes limited and exclusive designs. You’ll have access to designs that your competition won’t even think of using so your content will look more unique than computer generated.

OTO 3: Sqribble Fantasia


The third upsell costs an additional $77 and gives you the ability to create 3D interactive flipbooks. This will help set you apart from others using standard flat ebook designs that end up boring after a while.

If you’re an avid ebook reader like I am, my Kindle has a feature that allows you to flip the pages while you’re reading instead of scrolling. It does wonders for my motivation, and I can imagine it would do the same for your audience as well.

OTO 4: Auto job finder

Last but not least for an added fee of $197, this upsell gives you access to hundreds of active client jobs to make your job hunt that much easier. This gives you access to a nearly endless pool of clients.

Think about it – the job listings will come to you so all you need to do is focus on your content and landing that client. 

Sqribble Review: Final Words

All in all, I like the idea of Sqribble. Its upsells, its unique features, and everything it does to streamline the process of ebook creation for you are more than what I could ask for when I was just starting out.

However, I do recognize that it may not be ideal for you, especially considering the price.

So what I would recommend is taking the time to do your research. Watch as many videos of other people using the service and try to base your decision from there. In any case, I’m all on board for a software that writes my books for me – as long as it gets the job right.


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